Visible-NIR ‘point’ spectroscopy in postharvest fruit and vegetable assessment

Visible-NIR ‘point’ spectroscopy in postharvest fruit and vegetable assessment

(..) The science behind three decades of commercial use.

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By Kerry B. Walsh, José Blasco, Manuela Zude-Sasse & Xudong Sund. October 2020. Visible-NIR ‘point’ spectroscopy in postharvest fruit and vegetable assessment: 17 pp

The application of visible (Vis; 400–750 nm) and near infrared red (NIR; 750–2500 nm) region spectroscopy to assess fruit and vegetables is reviewed in context of ‘point’ spectroscopy, as opposed to multi- or hyperspectral imaging.

Vis spectroscopy targets colour assessment and pigment analysis, while NIR spectroscopy has been applied to assessment of macro constituents (principally water) in fresh produce in commercial practice, and a wide range of attributes in the scientific literature.

"Visible-NIR ‘point’ spectroscopy in postharvest fruit and vegetable assessment: The science behind three decades of commercial use" focusses to key issues relevant to the widespread implementation of Vis-NIR technology in the fruit sector.


1. Review objectives

2. Background
2.1 Spectroscopy
2.2 Vis spectroscopy
2.3 NIRS

3. Instrumentation for Vis-NIR systems
3.1 Visible region devices for colorimetry and pigment spectroscopy
3.2 SWNIRS in-line equipment
3.3 SWNIR devices for handheld use

4 Scientific effort (2015-2020)

5 Visible-NIR spectroscopy and colour assessment
5.1 Definitions
5.2 Optical geometry applied in recent years
5.3 Optical and reference sampled volume
5.4 Spectrophotometer characterisation
5.5 Applications of vis spectroscopy
5.6 NIR assessable attributes
5.7 NIRS special issue – water, H bonding and temperature
5.8 NIR wavelength region
5.9 Chemometrics

6 Conclusions and recommendations
6.1 Expected future advances
6.2 Recommendations for future application development work

By Kerry B. Walsh, José Blasco, Manuela Zude-Sasse & Xudong Sund. October 2020. Visible-NIR ‘point’ spectroscopy in postharvest fruit and vegetable assessment: The science behind three decades of commercial use. 17 pp

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