Extension of Avocado Fruit Postharvest Quality Using Non-Chemical Treatments

Extension of Avocado Fruit Postharvest Quality Using Non-Chemical Treatments

Revisión bibliográfica, en inglés, sobre formas de extender la vida poscosecha del aguacate o palta sin utilizar productos químicos de síntesis.

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By Karen Munhuweyi,Semakaleng Mpai and Dharini Sivakumar. Magazine Agronomy.

Revisión bibliográfica, en inglés, sobre formas de esxtender la vida poscosecha del aguacate o palta sin utilizar productos químicos de síntesis.

Developing postharvest management techniques using environmentally friendly and non-chemical approaches is key to extending the shelf life of avocados in a safer and health conscious manner.

Avocados are prone to postharvest deterioration caused by mechanical damage, chilling injury, soft landing, uneven ripening and decay.

Among the different cultivars of avocados commercially grown worldwide, the ‘Hass’ variety continues to be the most predominant due to its nutty flavour and functional properties. Most of the literature on postharvest decay and disorders affecting avocado fruit quality during storage and marketing is dedicated to the Hass avocado. Some of these postharvest problems are unique to the ‘Hass’ avocado can possibly be controlled by simply investing more research into other cultivars.

These postharvest losses can be significantly controlled using eco-friendly technologies, such as modified atmosphere, physical heat treatments and most importantly investing in natural biodegradable products with naturally inherent antimicrobial properties.

Thus, this review includes the recent research-based information on the use of non-chemical treatments on the improvement of fruit health and quality.

This article belongs to the Special Issue Postharvest Storage Techniques and Quality Evaluation of Fruits and Vegetables.



1. Introduction
2. Constraints during Marketing
2.1. Mechanical Damage

2.2. Soft Landing and Uneven Ripening
2.2.1. 1-Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP)
2.2.2. Heat Treatments
2.3. Chilling Injury (CI) and Pulp Spot
2.4. Fruit Health and Diseases
2.4.1. Activation of Signal Molecules in Plant Defences
2.4.2. Plant Defence Elicitors
2.4.3. Essential Oils (EOs)
Essential Oils as Fumigants
Essential Oils as Drench Solutions
Integration of Essential Oils with Nanotechnology
2.4.4. Biodegradable Polymers
Aloe Vera Gel
Carboxyl Methylcellulose and Pectin
Wax Coatings

2.5. Postharvest Phytosanitary Treatments

3. Future Perspectives

4. Conclusions

By Karen Munhuweyi,Semakaleng Mpai and Dharini Sivakumar. Magazine Agronomy. February 2020. Extension of Avocado Fruit Postharvest Quality Using Non-Chemical Treatments

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