Manual on Postharvest Handling of Mediterranean Tree Fruits and Nuts

Manual on Postharvest Handling of Mediterranean Tree Fruits and Nuts


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Postharvest is an important element of getting fresh, high-quality fruit to the consumer and technological advances continue to outpace infrastructure. This book provides valuable, up-to-date information on postharvest handling of seven fruit and nut crops: almond, fig, peach, persimmon, pistachio, pomegranate and table grape.

These crops are of particular importance in the Mediterranean region, but also to those countries that export and import these crops, where intensive economic resources are dedicated to developing information to understand and solve their postharvest problems.

Written by a team of internationally-recognized postharvest experts, this manual collates and verifies essential, but often difficult to access, information on these important crops, that is pertinent to the world's agricultural economy and affects agricultural communities.

  1. Almond, Carlos H. Crisosto, Sebastian Saa Silva, and Joseph H. Connell
  2. Fresh Fig, Carlos H. Crisosto, Margarita López Corrales, Giancarlo Colelli, Manuel Joaquín Serradilla
  3. Peach and Nectarine, Carlos H. Crisosto, Gemma Echeverría, and George A. Manganaris
  4. Persimmon, Alejandra Salvador, Cristina Besada, and Carlos Crisosto
  5. Pistachio, Carlos H. Crisosto and Louise Ferguson
  6. Pomegranate, Daniel Valero Garrido and Carlos H. Crisosto
  7. Table Grape, Carlos H. Crisosto, Reinaldo Campos-Vargas, and Amnon Lichter
  8. Appendix: Storage Requirements and Benefits of Postharvest Treatment for Mediterranean Tree Fruit

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